
Showing posts from March, 2013

Mystery Stone: A Gift from my Mentor

Last weekend when I went to Atlanta, I made sure to drop by my mentor's shop, Elegance Boutique which is located in Atlanta's Little 5 Points district. Daryl and I caught up and I gave him a nice little collection of gems and I explored some of his new items. One of them, I picked up and he said, "Keep it," He had two pieces. This is what he gave me. He told me that he didn't know what it was and that I would probably know more--which is a huge compliment! So I held it up to the light and BOOM! I saw the fire. Rainbow Moonstone. And the other stuff in it? It looked like hematite or possibly tourmaline, but it has this flakiness that is similar to mica. So I got on google and did some research. Turns out, it could be  the minerals Oligoclase--which is usually white with shades of grey, green or even red at times or Oligoclase--which  usually accompanies Orthoclase which is also in this mix--and is known in some forms as moonstone due to the pale luster o

Adventures of a Gem Diva

On Saturday, I went with some friends up to Sweetwater, TN and had "The Lost Sea Adventure." It was pretty much a guided tour through an awesomly huge cave that had an underwater lake. Now, I know you are saying it's not a real spelunking experience since they had it wired up with some electricity--you've got to realize it's a kid friendly adventure and let's face it--our society is kinda spoiled. They do offer the Wild Tours where you get to stay the night and do these hard crawls and no light whatsoever. I would have loved to have done that but we didn't have the time. Anyway back to topic here, I have captured some decent shots and will start off with a gorgeous Agate maybe some Fire Agate that I picked up in the gift shop. This little baby just called to me and it is now a part of my personal collection. The photos below are of the beautiful trees around the outside. I love how pretty the light is as it just flows through them. 

Weekend in Atlanta

Most of you know that I've recently moved from Atlanta to Dallas and this weekend was a trip home to visit friends. I brought some gems I picked up in Louisiana and Texas for my mentor, Daryl and he gave me what looks like a Rainbow Moonstone with Tourmaline. I also went with my friends spelunking in Tennessee and had a great time.  It was awesome being underground surrounded by earth. Then there was the underwater lake! We also celebrated his birthday with a super cool Star Wars cake and now I'm just sitting here at Hartsfield waiting for my flight to board.  I also picked up a Calcite and a gorgeous agate heart and will have more photos up later when I get home and settled. Have a great week everyone and will blog again when I am back in Dallas!