Moldavite: Gemstone from the Stars

I would like to share with you what got me into working with crystals and minerals and let me to the path of making jewelry from them.

I was in Denise and Daryl's shop one day and still kinda new to the whole crystal thing. I'd already started a mini collection but was still kinda skeptical of gems and energy. 

I was technically blocked from any and all energy. Anyway, Daryl told me about an accident he had while wire wrapping and during this time he was wearing a Moldavite pendant. 

The story he told me seemed really unbelievable but, as I later found out, Moldavite has its own power. Here's what happened to him:

Daryl had cut his hand badly so he and his wife rushed to the drug store to get bandages and stuff. Daryl told me that he just sat in the car and the sun shone onto the Moldavite, which somehow found itself in his injured hand. 

He went into a trance and all he could hear was this sizzling and frying sound that didn't stop until the pain in his hand stopped. When he came out of the trance, he looked down and the wound, blood--the injury was completely healed. 

The only thing that was in his hand was the Moldavite. 

So after hearing this, I ran down to Crystal Blue and the guy working there at the time let me hold a Moldavite. 

I was expecting the zing and got nothing

It was just a dull green lifeless rock in my hand. The guy told me to just hold it for a few minutes and when I did and still nothing, he handed me every Moldavite out of the case and asked me, 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I was like, 

"Yeah no big," 

My thought was I was going to be holding a bunch of green rocks. I held about 15-20 Moldavites (probably over $1,000 worth) and not even two minutes later I was hit with intense energy. 

One minute I was holding a bunch of rocks and then the next I was on fire. I was shaking, buzzing, experiencing what is known as the Moldavite Flush--though I didn't know that at the time, and my hand was frozen in place.

I was hot, cold, had the shakes like I'd gone into heroin withdrawals--but it felt GOOD. 

Time had completely stopped for me and  I spent about a half hour or so before I came out of the trance. The energy was a high like no other. 

I wanted to run. I wanted to faint. I was buzzing for two week straight. Honestly, I don't even know how I managed to sleep at all but those two weeks were the most eye opening and transforming of my life. 

A small Moldavite with inclusions of maybe iron I wrapped in 2013 
So what is this magical stone that is almost $20 per gram these days? 

Where did it come from? I'll explain. 

The event which birthed Moldavite was one of cataclysmic power. The force of the impact explosion has been estimated at around six trillion not tons--but megatons. 

Add up all the atom bombs on earth and multiply them by a million or so and you still don't have enough to equal the impact that birthed Moldavite. 

The heat was high enough to vaporize rock and the main body of the meteorite, according to the scientists that studied it, passed completely through the Earth's Crust through the liquid iron core and caused a reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles. 

Scientists still debate about the gem, yes the only gem quality tektite on earth, itself. 

Some believe that Moldavite is earthly rock melted by the heat of the crash and others thing that it could be a type of obsidian ejected by a lunar volcano.

Another theory holds that Moldavite is a fusion of extraterritorial material and earth which resulted into a gas being propelled high into the atmosphere that would have cooled and condensed into a liquid glass that rained down on the crater and surrounding areas. 

All three theories are sound but is is a known fact that Moldavite came from the sky in pieces since each piece has aerodynamic shapes and almost all scientists studying it associate it with the meteoric collision that formed the Bohemian plateau and surrounding mountains. 

Moldavite is the only tektite that can be cut and faceted into gemstone.

The Holy Grail Connection

Now, when I came across Moldavite, I did not know about this and was amazed at all that I have learned and am continuing to learn about this awesome stone. 

Some Grail legends hold that the Holy Grail was not a cup but an emerald that fell from the sky out of Lucifer's crown--before he was cast from heaven. 

The cup that was said to be the Grail was later carved from this emerald. Back in the ancient world, all clear green stones were considered emeralds and Moldavite is the only stone that ever fell from the sky. 

In history, there was even a physical Grail discovered and brought to Napoleon who was really upset to find only clear green glass. 

The Grail, often shown as a vessel, such as a chalice, implies the female body as the chalice that holds the essence of life and can bring forth new life. 

Worship of the Divine Feminine has been centered around this holy mystery and amulets of Moldavite were found in the same archaeological dig as the Venus of Willendorf, the oldest known Goddess statue. 

Metaphysical Properties of Moldavite. 

On a metaphysical level Moldavite is a very powerful stone. It releases blockages in energy from the body on the emotional and physical levels. It affects all the chakras and it especially has a profound effect on the Heart, Third Eye and Crown Chakras. 

The Moldavite "Flush" is the most common feeling associated by people of a rushing warm, dizzying, buzzing sensation that flows through the whole body when first coming into contact with the stone.

Most often the person holding the stone turns red in the face (the flush) and yes, it has happened to me quite a bit. 

This varies from person to person, it may not happen at first, size does seem to have an effect on the energy as well as how sensitive a person is. It may take weeks of working with the stone, through meditation and wearing each day.

Or you could just do like I did. That was beyond intense. 

Faceted Moldavites are intensified by the cutting process, and are commonly mistaken for Diopside due to their intense green color. 

Moldavite is an excellent stone to use to assist in astral travel and in the communication with spirit guides. 

Moldavite also assists in past life regression and it can help you to see into the future. Intuitive abilities often become stronger when wearing/carrying Moldavite so it’s an excellent stone to work with if you are looking to develop your psychic abilities.

Moldavite can actually amplify your energy/feelings and the energy/feelings of those around you. Again, it’s very important to see how Moldavite effects you before you wear or carry it on a daily basis. 

It’s often best to carry or wear black tourmaline, jet or smoky or rose quartz with Moldavite to help stay grounded & psychically protected until you are acclimated to Moldavite’s intense energy.
Use caution when using Moldavite in any healing or energy work because it will assist in manifesting your intent/thoughts very quickly. Even the thoughts you don't want to think. 

Make sure your mind is clear and your intent is focused during the workings to avoid any problems when you work with Moldavite.


Upon my learning about Moldavite, what happened to Daryl--the physical actual healing, I learned, is very rare. 

I've been told by so many gemologists that I've come across that Moldavite does not physically heal but instead brings to you the awareness of the cause of your injury and usually reveals the gift, or lesson, that the sickness or injury teaches. 

Moldavite, like Obsidian, will pretty much throw in your face your problems or issues that you need to deal with now--all those issues you have with your past that you try to forget--

Moldavite brings them to the forefront in an intense way and if you let it, it will cleanse your energetic system. 

Moldavite clears auras, chakras, helps with communications with extraterrestrials (hasn't happened to me yet!) amplifies thoughts and your energy. 

If you wish someone a bad day--the Moldavite will amplify that but the law of Karma states that it will return to you three times worse--meaning three times amplified with the energy of Moldavite. 

When I injured my foot a while back, I used Hematite, Malachite, Magnetite and Moldavite for the healing process. 

The Hematite and Magnetite reduced the pain. Malachite took care of the swelling. Moldavite amplified the energies of the previous three stones. 

My injury was one, in which I was lucky not to have died--or even broken anything. I fell down the stairs by tripping over a kitty who just wanted to rub his head on my toes. 

Mid-air splits resulted in my leg being bent behind my head--kicked myself in the head and I only came out with 4 sprained toes. Two days later I was putting my full weight on them--with a slight limp. 

I purchased my first Moldavite for $86 and now the value has doubled due to the increasing rarity of the gem. Daryl wrapped it in Sterling Silver and it was the first piece I studied while learning to wire wrap. 


  1. The story behind the art is very crucial and really brings knowledge and value to what we all love - jewelry and wearable art. Thanks for educating and decorating us, your real life canvases!

  2. Replies
    1. What city are you in? If you are in Atlanta, check out Crystal Blue--they often have it. If you are in Dallas/Fort Worth area then Power of The Rainbow has it here.

  3. Ahh yes, I am familiar with Moldavite. A few vendors sell it at the jewelry network I work with. It's also funny you mentin Crystal Blue, I live in Atlanta and have been there before. Pretty cool store :)

    1. Olivia, I love Brett and Suzanne there! I'm in DFW now and found another shop. When I get back to Atlanta, we must connect :D

  4. Hi Johnna! i am Elvis from Nigeria. i found this green stone in my country which i am seeing for the first time my whole life. i got curious and tries to find what it really is so i got to ur blog here. i am thinking u could help identify this stone as i know where a lot of it is located near my house and would like to see what it could bring to me. thank u as i look forward to your reply.

    1. HI there! Take a photo of it if you can and email it to me. I'll try to id it.

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