Mystery Stone: A Gift from my Mentor

Last weekend when I went to Atlanta, I made sure to drop by my mentor's shop, Elegance Boutique which is located in Atlanta's Little 5 Points district. Daryl and I caught up and I gave him a nice little collection of gems and I explored some of his new items. One of them, I picked up and he said, "Keep it," He had two pieces.

This is what he gave me.

He told me that he didn't know what it was and that I would probably know more--which is a huge compliment! So I held it up to the light and BOOM! I saw the fire. Rainbow Moonstone. And the other stuff in it? It looked like hematite or possibly tourmaline, but it has this flakiness that is similar to mica. So I got on google and did some research. Turns out, it could be  the minerals Oligoclase--which is usually white with shades of grey, green or even red at times or Oligoclase--which  usually accompanies Orthoclase which is also in this mix--and is known in some forms as moonstone due to the pale luster of the types of minerals. Rainbow Moonstone is really a colorless form of Labradorite which is also in the feldspar group of minerals as Moonstone. 

Whatever this stone may be--besides the white part being Rainbow Moonstone--I love it! I love the soothing energy which is a signature of moonstone. It has this feminine and soft feathery feel to it--like a silky gently energetic touch. It makes a nice addition to my gem collection. 


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