All About Green Quartz, Prasiolite, and Amegreen

Rare Green Quartz

Amegreen Quartz in the sun

There is a special type of Quartz that is very rare, but still out there and I am fortunate to have one in my personal collection (a gift) and was even more blessed to have wire wrapped one for sale. 

The Prasiolite on the left has been cut and faceted into a gemstone and dazzles in the sunlight.  I only have one available so you better get it before it's gone. 

Also, free shipping in the USA and if you're outside the US and want it, contact me for a shipping quote. 

on Square Market

Why Three Names?

Green Quartz otherwise known as Prasiolite is the green variety of Quartz. It all comes from one place and is sometimes mixed with Amethyst, hence the name, Amegreen, which is even rarer.

Amegreen combines the spiritual properties of Prasiolite and Amethyst.

Properties of Prasiolite

Prasiolite has every property of Clear Quartz, the Master Healer along with it's very own unique properties. This gem is solely focuses on the Heart Chakra and is all about love, and uplifting positive energy.

It helps you to grow and transform into a better being and connects you to God. This gem is the essence of pure love, which is what God is all about.

Prasiolite not only cleanses and transforms your Heart Chakra, but all of the chakras and even is said to have galactic connections on an energetic level.

Prasiolite Jewelry

If you would like Prasiolite Jewelry in another metal besides the available 14K Gold filled wire, I can make it happen

As a wire artist, I wrap  gems in any type of metal. If you would like to commission a  wire wrap, prices start as low as $45 (plus the cost of the gemstone). Click here to see my Commissions Pricing List.


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