Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer Diamonds Are Very Special Indeed

There is a special type of quartz crystal that is naturally double tourminated and naturally cut as if with divine precision. Theses diamonds, for they have the same hardness are can be mistaken for the actual diamond, are found in the Herkimer minds of New York. Hence the name, Herkimer Diamond.

I've wrapped and sold two of these lovely gems (one in 14K Gold and one in copper) and the energy is much difference from that of a clear tumbled quartz.

Herkimer Diamonds energize, enlivens, and inspires creativity. It detoxifies and protects against anything radioactive, corrects DNA and other cellular disorders. It attunes people and pulls them together and when they have to be parted (say your husband goes to work in another state) each person should have one stone

Herkimer Diamonds are among the strongest gems for clearing radioactivity, electro pollution and all those invisible negative junky energies you can feel but can't see.

Herkimers also clear all the chakras and should be worn only for short periods. Paired with Moldavite, the energies of both gems will move faster and amplify one another. Herkimers are best worn as pendants because it's near both your heart and throat chakra and will enable you to express yourself in a loving manner.


As a wire artist, I do wrap Herkimer Diamonds in any type of metal. If you would like to commission a Herkimer Diamond wire wrap, prices start as low as $45 (plus the cost of the gemstone). Click here to see my Commissions Pricing List.


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